Happy 2nd Birthday, Dear Blog!

Happy Birthday dear blog...with chocolate cake, my favourite! (Image taken from lavenderbakery.wordpress.com)

Two years ago, on the 10th of December – after having started to read Ken Wilson‘s blog and then more and more blogs, I decided to start my own.

In the beginning, I thought – who is going to read it? What if they think what I write is silly? I started with my first piece and it all kind of flowed from there – it progressed and I started thinking about some topics, which developed into blog posts. Reading the old ones again, some I like and some I do not like at all! I believe writing my blog has improved my writing skills, my thinking process (because in the past it was completely stream of consciousness – not that now my thinking is boxed, but I organise it much better and it is not all over the place).

I have been very fortunate to have had great readers and comments – each and every one of them has made me think. And I thank all of the fantastic people who have commented for that.

I have also had amazing guest bloggers honour me with their posts – another big thank you to them!

This year I started my first blog challenge, What’s Your Story? which started on October 9th and is still running, thanks to all the people who are writing for it and reading it!

This year I started presenting again and published my talks on the blog – and I am really enjoying giving talks as an experience.

This year finds my blog nominated in two categories in the Edublog Awards – a big THANK YOU to everyone who put me there. I really appreciate it and it has boosted my motivation to keep writing even more.

So…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF US! The blog, me, you, everyone! A million thanks!

44 thoughts on “Happy 2nd Birthday, Dear Blog!

  1. HAPPY HAPPY blog-birthday Vicky!
    So glad you made the decision to blog! It was a win-win decision! You say it was good for you and it was certainly good for those of us who follow your blog with such pleasure!
    Mazal Tov!
    Looking forward to year two!

  2. Hi Naomi!

    Thank you so so much for your wonderful wishes and very nice words!

    Our blogs have December birthdays – all the best to you too! I love reading your posts and I am very happy our paths have crossed on Twotter – next step: meeting face-to-face!!!

    Thank you so much,

  3. My heartiest congratulations, Vicky! We’d all probably be very surprised to see how many bloggers give up after only a short time of publishing, but here we all are, still kicking each other’s butts, and that speaks volumes, doesn’t it?

    There are probably loads of reasons why bloggers give up, but I’m sure you’ll agree that comments are one of our main meals!

    So, keep writing, and keep whooping and yaying!

    1. Hi Chiew!

      Thank you so much for all your support these past months that we have connected – as Shelly has called you, your our true guardian angel! I wish you all the best and lots of whoop whoop energy for all of us to keep blogging!

      Thank you so much,

  4. Happy Birthday and Congratulations, Vicky!

    It’s always a pleasure for us to read your posts and to feel your warm personality that shines through.
    On a more personal note I have to thank you so much you for your last blog challenge because it encouraged me to cross that big threshold and write/read something to share it with the wonderful world of Twitter.

    Keep up your excellent work, make us smile when we read your enthusiastic tweets, you whoop whoop girl 🙂 , and then there’s only one more thing to wish: a real life meeting to drink to this birthday and to Twitter friendships!

    χαρούμενα γενέθλια !


    1. Dear Mieke,

      Thank you so so much for all your wonderful words, which have really made me happy! I really appreciate your writing for the blog challenge – it was wonderful to read your story and I cannot wait to read other things on your blog as well : )

      I promise you a real face-to-face drink for the blog birthday and for our first tweet-up!!!

      Big hugs and see you soon I hope,

  5. Congratulations, Vicky!!

    Your story (and Chiew’s comment=)) feel me with positive enthusiasm!!
    I love your blog for being honest, simple, user-friendly (!), just friendly! and informative, uncovering, poetic!
    I wish your blog more and more productive years of successful posts with lots of comments!
    Keep up the good thing!

    I”m still taking my time, but you’re one of the blog-role-models for me, by all means!


    1. Hi Anna!

      Thank you so much! You give me a lot of motivation! I get my inspiration from all of you out there – who are super people and educators!!!

      It was fantastic to meet you in person this year and hope to see you at other events as well!


    1. Dear Chuck!

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment – I feel the same way about you too! That gives me a lot of strength and motivation. Thank you so much for inspiring us all and for including me in the iTDi project this year, which is a great source of inspiration and interaction with great educators : )

      I have been very lucky to see you and talk with you twice this year!!!!! Hope to see you again soon, sending you my best wishes for your birthday as well – may you always be healthy and happy!

      A big hug from Zug,

  6. Happy Birthday Blog, and Congrats, Vicky!

    Looking forward to lots more of your entertaining/informative/thought-provoking posts in the future 🙂


    1. Hi Clive!

      Thank you so much! It was great to work with you this year for RSCON3 – thanks so much for all your help there! I wish you and your blog all the best – can’t wait to see the rest of the photos : )

      Many thanks,

  7. Thanks for the honourable mention, VL! Glad that I got someone started on the road to blog-stardom. Your natural enthusiasm in your writing (and in person) is a great inspiration, especially to people like me who have been round the block a few times! 😛

    1. Dear Ken,

      A great pleasure and thanks so much for everything you have done – for inspiring me, giving me feedback and being the super Ken you are! I mean every word and will never tire of saying how much you have helped me, even in ways you cannot imagine through difficult periods – moving to a new country, experiencing self-doubt…that is all gone now!

      It was great to see you in Zug this year (the other day I remembered the Wayne and Dwayne story and I was chuckling to myself! One of the funniest stories I have ever heard : )

      Thank you so much for everything,

  8. Many congratulations dear Vicky!!! You are an inspiration to us all and your blog is always so refreshing and interesting to read. Long may you continue blogging and having so much fun with it!!
    I would really love to meet you in real life as opposed to only virtually. I feel as if I know you already via your honest and heart-felt posts…

    Warm hugs from Abruzzo!!


    1. Dear Janet!

      Mille grazie – what a beautiful comment! Thank you so much, I am very happy you like the posts – I feel the same way about you too, I feel like I know you already : ) A face-to-face tweet-up will be super!!! I hope it happens soon. All the best to you too, may you always be happy and whoop!!!

      Mille abbracci,

  9. Dear Vicky,
    Happy birthday to your wonderful blog! I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed reading your posts over the past two years and I’m looking forward to more to come. Your blog has been an inspiration to me and I’m thrilled and proud to say that I met you in person :-).
    Keep on being so inspiring and enthusiastic!
    all the best

    1. Hi Arjana!

      A big big hvala for your comment and wonderful words – I am so happy to have met you as well and attended your super presentation! I am always happy for you as you do great work and I know there are more surprises coming! Yay!

      Big hugs and hope to see you soon,

  10. Congratulations, Vicky! It’s been amazing to have followed your insightful posts! You’ve been really inspiring and it was great to have the chat we had via Skype.

    Hugs from Argentina!

    1. Hi Marisa!

      Thank you so much Marisa – I really appreciate it and thank you for all your support in the past months! It was super talking to you and we shall do it again, whenever you can : )

      Abrazos from Zug!

  11. Whooop whoooop Vicky!
    Happy birthday to your blog! Your blog is as lovely as its author and I hope to read your inspiring, considerate and heartfelt posts for many more years!


  12. Very very congratulate you so much on blog written since 2 years! 😉

    No, really. Happy 2nd blogaversary, Vicky. I’ve been an avid reader and appreciate how enthusiastic and supportive you are in your endeavours. Cheers to at least 2 more (unless some other form takes over between then and now).

    1. Dear Tyson,

      A big thank you on my behalf for all the support you have shown and the motivation you give me, it means so much – you come up in the stats as top commenter : )))

      I wish you all the best in your life, career and blog – as you say, except if another form pops up in the future!

      A big big thank you!!!!!!

    1. Whoop whoop for the wishes from one of my fave people on Twitter and in general!!!!

      Thank you so much Brad – it has been so awesome this year, first connecting with you on Twitter in January, then meeting you in person and seeing with my own eyes what a super person you are – hope to see you again soon, bro! All the best in your new Pay What You Want project – it’s super!

      Big hugs,

    1. Hi Diccon!

      Thanks so much for your birthday wishes and my warmest wishes for you too, both for your blog birthday and the German publication of your book!

      Here’s to another two years,

  13. Happy birthday Vicky! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog, and I know exactly what you mean about how blogging helps you to streamline your thinking process. Looking forward to reading many more of your posts!

    1. Dear Sheetal,

      A big thank you to one of my favourite people on Twitter (and my BlackBerry messenger buddy!) – wishing you the best!

      Thank you so much,

  14. Happy Blogoversary, Vicky.
    I love reading your blog and I really enjoy the humanity, passion and enthisiasm that comes through every single post (and tweet) of yours. Keep up the good work for the benefit of us all. Love Tamas

    1. Dear Tamas,

      Thank you so much for your wonderful and very moving comment : ) I really appreciate it and thanks so much for all the support! Have a great Christmas with your family and give Sophie a special big hug from me!

      A huge thank you,

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