4 Years of Blogging!

4 years of blogging! (Image taken from http://blog.young-germany.de)
4 years of blogging! (Image taken from http://blog.young-germany.de)

I started this blog four years ago, after being motivated by the one and only Ken Wilson – these four years bring so many thoughts to my mind:

  • How reluctant I was to start it: back then I was thinking, who will read it – will anyone be interested?
    I don’t even have a job – what is this going to offer me? But I did start it, and I am happy I did so!
  • How much it helps me reflect. I read another educator’s post that inspires me and gives me insight into my own teaching, so I go ahead and write about it. Or when a class goes well, or even not so well, here is always where I turn to, so as to get my thoughts in order. I can see what went well or wrong, and then come up with ways of  what I could do better or what I could do again.
  • I should write only when I feel I have something to say. In the beginning, I felt that I was obliged to write often, or felt bad if it took me up to three months to write. Nothing comes out of it, if I write just to say that  have written something – instead, now that I write when I feel like it, it feels much more natural.
  • I love the fact that there are not only my own posts on the blog. I had seen it on Ken’s blog, and later on many others, that guest bloggers were invited to write – I did it too and it is great! I have read some amazing posts. So thanks to all my guest bloggers!
  • I love interviewing other educators. I see their stories, their experiences, and I learn from them. Thank you so much to them all!

Thank you to all of you who read the posts, share them on social media, comment and teach me!

30 thoughts on “4 Years of Blogging!

  1. Congratulations, Vicky. Had I known, I would have baked a cake! You’ve summed up your experiences in blogging nicely. I think that everyone can empathise with so much of what you’ve described. Here’s to another four years of success.

    1. Dear Doug,

      Thank you so much for the support, good wishes and all the inspiration over the years – you are definitely present on this blog! I hope we meet in person some day. We will have so much to talk about! And you can bake that cake : )

  2. Dear Vicky,

    I’ve often felt guilty when I have nothing to write about. Reading your post here has made me realized that quality supercedes quantity anytime.

    Happy 4th birthday to you, and many more to come!!:))) You’ve done an amazing job as an educator this far, as diverse as you can get. 🙂

    All the very best,

    1. Hi Ratna!

      Thanks so much for your comment : ) It took me quite a while to realise that it’s ok not to write ; )

      I also wish you and your blog the very best!

      Best wishes,

      1. Dear Vicky,

        What a beautiful celebration full of important realizations. Like Ratna mentions, you helped me see that accepting my own process, no matter how slow it may be, is what really matters. My blog, as yours is, is my haven. It will always be there for me.

        Happy 4th Birthday! You have made this 4 years very meaningful for so many educators. 🙂


  3. Hi Vicky!
    So congratulations are once more in order!
    I’m sure that if you write only when you really feel like it, when you have the urge to write, this feeling will communicate itself through your words to your readers who will sense that they come from your heart.
    I wish you very many more years of communicating with the wide world.
    Hugs, Chris

  4. Congratulations, Vicky! Yes, echoing Ratna’s comment above, your third point (“I should write only when I feel I have something to say”) is particularly good.

    Also, thanks for the link to Kevin Wilson’s blog, which is really cool! (Looking at the dates of his posts, he’s a perfect example of your third point! 🙂 )

    1. Thank you so much, Graham! All the best to you too : ) Yes, pease do look more into Ken’s blog – it is a treasure trove of teaching ideas, travelling and much more!

  5. Dear Vicky, congrats to you for your 4th anniversary! You’re really a kind of flower in our lives! You make us smile and feel great, sharing your thoughts! Thank you!

  6. Congratulations!!! No matter whether you’re writing your blog or having a break, you have never failed to inspire me. Your inexhaustible energy and drive always fill me with power to move on myself!! And for this I thank you. And for many other things))

    The realization that you should only blog when you have something to say is so true! Difficult to come to (was for me), but it’s totally worth it. Thanks for reminding me of it.

    I’m looking forward to what the next year will bring for us all via vickyloras.wordpress.com))


    1. My dear Ann,

      Thank you so much! Ever since we connected you have truly been an inspiration for me. I’m so grateful for your kind words and strength that they give me!

  7. I love your own posts as well as your interviews and guest blogs. You shine with your enthusiasm in education and I love that I can learn from you everywhere possible.

    Happy Birthday to your Blog! ♥

  8. Dear Vicky,
    I’m in awe of the beautiful person you are! Having read your posts, followed you on Twitter & FB and last but not least, having met you in person, I can only say that educators like you make me proud to be part of the gang 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!!!!!
    Big hugs

    1. My dear Sirja!

      I am so moved by your words, and having met you in person has been one of the highlights of the year (for both the Loras sisters, actually!) We can’t wait to see you again (January 2014! Yay!).

      Keep being the amazing educator and person you are!


  9. Dear Vicky, I regret to say I have only recently come across your blog 😦
    This means I have a lot of “homework” catching up with four years of a most authentic, prolific and creative blogging life. I wish you keep on writing, inspiring and encouraging! 🙂


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